Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How is this helping our StLouis Neighbors?

While working on a Startup Business http:electrohemp.org that will save lives in the St Louis Region. I approached a Startup Group who works in a well known St Louis College. They are interested in the ‪#‎biotech‬‪#‎cleantech‬, and ‪#‎Agriculture‬ inventions the Team has developed and developing.
The "ElectroHemp's" Teams goals: are to save lives and help our immediate community by improving the quality of life for those affected by the Nuclear Waste that is illegally buried at ‪#‎WestlakeLandfill‬ and the ‪#‎ColdwaterCreek‬areas of the Region.
The team has figured out how to cycle the toxins from the ground faster than has been previously done with a Natural System. And then dispose of these toxins which are made inert ie: "non hazardous". This process is accomplished by using natural and organic resources.

At first, I was thrilled to get the offer for assistance. Until I read the fine print on the cost of their "so-called" help: 5-10 times the original investment to be paid back in 5 years.
Believe me I emailed back: "I understand that everyone needs to make money, did I catch that right and you guys wanted a, ROI x 5 in 5? The Country Boy in me wants to dicker a lil here and point out:
"We are helping our Neighbors in the St Louis Region" And possibly saving our friends, family, and selves from being infected by cancer causing nuclear radiation. A ROI x 2 or 3 in 5 would make the spreadsheet tolerable. Even if its Grant money the biz gets to operate on. That Grant money came from Tax Dollars< Our Money.""
ROI x5 to help our Neighbors. What kind of help is that? Who are they really trying to help?

Friday, April 8, 2016

Phytoremediation Info via SciTech Connect

 An emerging technology for cleaning contaminated soils and shallow groundwater is phytoremediation, an environmentally friendly, low- cost, and low-tech process. 
Phytoremediation encompasses all plant- influenced biological, chemical, and physical processes that aid in the uptake, degradation, and metabolism of contaminants by either plants or free-living organisms in the plant`s rhizosphere. 
A phytoremediation system can be viewed as a biological, solar-driven, pump-and-treat system with an extensive, self-extending uptake network (the root system) that enhances the soil and below-ground ecosystem for subsequent productive use.
ElectroHemp BioRad Disposal Tanks
ElectroHemp BioRad Disposal Tanks

Using Phytoremediation to Clean Up Contamination at Military Installations

During and following World War II, wastes from the production of munitions and other military materials were disposed of using the best available practices acceptable at that time. However, these disposal methods often contaminated soil and groundwater with organic compounds and metals that require cleanup under current regulations. An emerging technology for cleaning contaminated soils and shallow groundwater is phytoremediation, an environmentally friendly, low- cost, and low-tech process. Phytoremediation encompasses all plant- influenced biological, chemical, and physical processes that aid in the uptake, degradation, and metabolism of contaminants by either plants or free-living organisms in the plant`s rhizosphere. A phytoremediation system can be viewed as a biological, solar-driven, pump-and-treat system with an extensive, self-extending uptake network (the root system) that enhances the soil and below-ground ecosystem for subsequent productive use. Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) has been conducting basic and applied research in phytoremediation since 1990. Initial greenhouse studies evaluated salt-tolerant wetland plants to clean UP and reduce the volume of salty `produced water` from petroleum wells. Results of these studies were used to design a bioreactor for processing produced water that is being demonstrated at a natural gas well in Oklahoma; this system can reduce produced water volume by about 75% in less than eight days, representing substantial savings in waste disposal cost. During 1994, ANL conducted a TNT plant uptake and in situ remediation study in a ridge-and-furrow area used for the disposal of pink water at the Joliet Army Ammunition Plant.
SciTech Connect Conference: Using Phytoremediation to Clean Up Contamination at Military Installations

http://www.osti.gov/scitech/servlets/purl/761921 pg 41:93

4.5 Regulatory Acceptance Current State Regulators are generally looking for a scientifically defensible basis for performance expectations. Results of bench-scale or greenhouse tests using site-specific soils are compelling evidence for predicting performance. It is also important to be realistic about the amount of time required for cleanup, acknowledging where phytoremediation is being used as a long-term remediation approach. For long-term remediation, the cost-effectiveness of the approach may be a factor. In addition, it will be important to show the controls in place to protect both ecological and human receptors. The fate of the contaminants (e.g., mercury and the volatilization processes) should also be predicted. Regulators will be looking for contingency plans in case of failure of the proposed phytoremediation technology and the willingness of the end user to implement that alternate technology. It was suggested that we confirm predicted performance by conducting one to two year field studies. Such studies should be prepared to implement contingency remedies if field performance is inadequate to achieve cleanup goals in a reasonable timeframe. The potential for adverse impacts to ecological receptors should be addressed by B-12 conducting a screening risk assessment and by comparing predicted exposures to reference values in the literature. Gaps • Regulatory acceptance of phytoremediation technologies is a critical gap. • Meeting risk-based limits may require measures to limit exposure in addition to removing contamination. • It is not known whether the timeline for deployment of a phytoremediation technology matches DOE’s regulatory requirements for cleanup.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

#KyotoHempForum #LifelineToTheFuture

#KyotoHempForum: #LifelineToTheFuture is a virtual forum taking place concurrent to the Kyoto Hemp Forum in Japan on July 2, 2016, in order for people to participate live from around the globe.
Kyto Hemp Forum Image Lifeline to the Future
Keynote speeches and panel discussions will be livestreamed, with questions and solutions shared via social media integrated into the forum dialogue. Keynote topics include: Sustainability, Climate Emergencies, and the Advocacy required to lift the International Ban on Growing Industrial Hemp.

 For media inquiries, to present a white paper,or for customized sponsorship opportunities, please e-mail info@japanhemp.net
Now, we can officially announce that she, Ms. Abe, the First Lady in Japan has confirmed to participate on stage as well as Kyoto city Mayor, Mr. Kadokawa @ ‪#‎KyotoHempForum‬ on 2nd July, 2016 @ International Kyoto Conference Center



On July 2nd, the Kyoto Hemp Forum will be held in Kyoto, Japan. I am excited to be participating. The most notable speaker is the First Lady of Japan, Akie Abe, wife of Japan's Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe. First Lady Abe has been a public advocate for the restoration of hemp in Japan for its environmental benefits. Hemp has always been an integral part of Shinto, the indigenous religion of Japan, and part of the event will take place at a Shinto shrine in Kyoto. Other featured speakers include Anndrea Hermann, Paul Benhaim, Takashi Okanuma, the mayor of Kyoto and Shinto kannushi, who are responsible for the maintenance of a Shinto shrine (jinja) as well as for leading worship of a given kami. Organized by the Japan Hemp Association.
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Hemp Environmental Forum — Now, we can officially announce that she, Ms. Abe, the First Lady in Japan has confirmed to participate on stage as well as Kyoto city Mayor, Mr. Kado...
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Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Age of Fission with Lonnie Clark, guest Scott of MoHempEnergy.org 3-...

Yes its faster and better than phytoremediation alone

ElectroHemp with the 5 stage green remediation process and system 

Addresses all of the concerns and issues of using nature to rid the soil of mankinds pollution.
Everyone in the know who has researched and studied phytoremediation understands that plants can be used to cycle the toxins from the soil. Its not rocket science and has been done for many years with success.
The information provided below is a collection of 20 weblinks, studies, and information on phytoremediation. Feel free to discover how plants can phytoremediate the toxins from the soil. As you are reading these prior studies and information you many notice that they all mention a few things: phytoremediation works, phytoremediation is a slow process, phytoremediation can be used on many levels for many different toxins such as Lead, Cadmium, Nuclear Waste, Thorium, Nickel, Arsenic, and more.

Realize one thing while reading the studies

ElectroHemp with the 5 stage treatment system and process speeds up the toxic removal.  This is accomplished by: Electro-KINETICS Year Round Toxic Removal by utilizing a Greenhouse, and additional dual harvesting options!

I mentioned its not rocket science to use plants to phytoremediate soil toxins.  Its actually pretty simple.  Plant a Seed!  Tend to the plant while it is growing by making sure water, nutrients, and sunlight is available for the plants.  Any Farmer, Landscape Pro, or Horticulturist can explain this process if additional information is needed.

What has stumped many industry pros is what drove Scotty to discover the disposal of the toxic plants in a eco friendly option that does not involve transferring the toxics to another location or the energy intense "fire burning" to clean the soil.

This next diagram is the Organic and Natural BioRad Hazardous Waste removal and the final step in the 5 stage treatment train.  This self contained insitu disposal system eliminates the hazards of transportation and storing the nuclear waste. 

The folllowing links were provided by Hemp Nayer who is also a Member, Leader, and Adviser of the Hemp Environmental Forum.  She gets it do you? 

1. Phytoremediation: Using Plants to Clean Soil http://mhhe.com/biosci/pae/botany/botany_map/articles/article_10.html
3. Hemp Remediation Study http://www.hempcleans.com/hc_wp/?p=163
5. Here's a piece I did in 2010 Hemp Phytoremediation Program Can Help With Gulf Oilspill Crisis - that has some phytoremediation videos on it http://h4v.blogspot.com/2010/06/hemp-phytoremediation-program-can-help.html
7. Here's a study guide (proposed structure for conference topics) for the Hemp For Victory book http://h4v.blogspot.com/2010/06/hemp-for-victory-global-warming.html
9. Hemp and the Decontamination of Radioactive Soil - http://sensiseeds.com/en/blog/hemp-decontamination-radioactive-soil/
11. This is a $35 report Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) growing on heavy metal contaminated soil: fibre quality and phytoremediation potential http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926669002000055
12. Phytoremediation: An Environmentally Sound Technology for Pollution Prevention, Control and Redmediation - An Introductory Guide To Decision-Makers http://www.unep.or.jp/ietc/Publications/Freshwater/FMS2/2.asp
13 The Use of Plants for the Removal of Toxic Metals from Contaminated Soil http://plantstress.com/Articles/toxicity_m/phytoremed.pdf
14. Phytoremediation Potential of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.): Identification and Characterization of Heavy Metals Responsive Genes http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/clen.201500117/abstract
15. EVALUATION OF THE PHYTOREMEDIATION POTENTIAL OF INDUSTRIAL HEMP http://www.dushenkov.com/Pages/Phytoremediation/1999_Dushenkov_Abstract%204240%20.pdf
17 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOREMEDIATION (list of their articles - networking) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/bijp20/current
20. Phytoextraction of Heavy Metals by Hemp during Anaerobic Sewage Sludge Management in the Non-Industrial Sites http://pjoes.com/pdf/12.6/779-784.pdf
Also here's a playlist on some phytoremediation videos on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLuyaaCj3aFuj4T_Eu77Bjosmbc0UIa4US&v=uZOkKh1DPWw
The list of nuclear and hemp videos with a Fukushima focus is posted http://hempnayer.blogspot.com/2014/03/time4clues-playlist-hemp-and-other.html

Friday, March 25, 2016


This concerns all people throughout the World. Nuclear Waste may not be in your backyard ...yet.

We are in dire need of your help! The article below was written by the Attorney General of Missouri. West Lake Landfill is located in Bridgeton, MO.

This landfill contains illegally dumped nuclear waste from the Manhattan Project which created the first atomic bomb.

There is an underground fire burning just hundreds of feet from the radioactive material. The landfill sits on the New Madrid Fault, at prime risk for an earthquake, It is 1.2 miles from the Missouri river and the ground water has recently become its own Superfund site. It is located in an area known as tornado alley. St. Louis Lambert Airport is less than 6 miles from West Lake Landfill. It is surrounded by businesses and subdivisions. It is heavily populated.

The EPA just released a study showing the radioactive waste is more widespread than they thought.

We have a bill in the House of Representative, H R 4100, to turn the clean up of this waste over to the U S Army Corps of Engineers. This is our best hope. But Congressman Frank Pallone is holding up the bill. It has passed the Senate so we really need it to pass the House. Please call Congressman Pallone and ask him to support H R 4100. 732-571-1140 is his New Jersey office and 202-225-4671 is his Washinton D C office. You can also send a message to two of his staffers,Janice.Fuller@mail.house.gov and/or Brian.Laughlin@mail.house.gov.

Any help is greatly appreciated. We need to unite across the World and stop nuclear production before we destroy our planet.

Terra Johnson- DouglasJames Patrick and 6 others posted in West Lake Landfill.
Terra Johnson- Douglas
March 25 at 10:06am

BioRad Hazardous Waste Cleanup UPdate x2

ElectroHemp is proud to announce: The Teams BioRad Hazardous Waste CleanUP process and system has been referred up the chain to a new contact with the MO DNR!

I am silently wondering if this new contact will acknowledge that off-site nuclear radiation contamination has occurred in the past and continues to do so?

I posted previously: 3 out of 5 State and Federal Employee emails I receive: did "NOT" acknowledge off site radiation was happening or happenedin re to Westlake Landfill or Coldwater Creek.

Hopefully this is a step in the right direction with the Missouri Government.

The team has also been asked to participate in the #KyotoHempForum, learn more about their upcoming event at https://www.facebook.com/HempEnvironmentalForum/
It looks like the Team will have a busy spring, summer, and fall!  We are also looking forward to participating in the Farm Aid show in Chicago this fall!

ElectroHemp BioRad Hazardous Waste CleanUP addresses Off-Site Nuclear Waste Contamination
ElectroHemp BioRad Hazardous Waste CleanUP addresses Off-Site Nuclear Waste

ElectroHemp BioRad Hazardous Waste Disposal Diagram-Nuclear Waste Inert while Generating Electricity
ElectroHemp BioRad Hazardous Waste Disposal Diagram-Nuclear Waste Inert while Generating Electricity

Recap of the ElectroHemp BioRad Hazardous Waste Disposal Diagram:

  1. Plants are Grown in Greenhouse or Hoophouse for year round Phytoremediation.  
  2. Electric-horticulture directs the nuclear radiation to the greenhouse which speeds up the removal of the soil toxins.
  3. Plants are disposed of in-situ with the BioRad Hazardous Waste Disposal system that turns the Toxic Nuclear Waste inert and Generates Electricity.

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