Sunday, March 27, 2016

Yes its faster and better than phytoremediation alone

ElectroHemp with the 5 stage green remediation process and system 

Addresses all of the concerns and issues of using nature to rid the soil of mankinds pollution.
Everyone in the know who has researched and studied phytoremediation understands that plants can be used to cycle the toxins from the soil. Its not rocket science and has been done for many years with success.
The information provided below is a collection of 20 weblinks, studies, and information on phytoremediation. Feel free to discover how plants can phytoremediate the toxins from the soil. As you are reading these prior studies and information you many notice that they all mention a few things: phytoremediation works, phytoremediation is a slow process, phytoremediation can be used on many levels for many different toxins such as Lead, Cadmium, Nuclear Waste, Thorium, Nickel, Arsenic, and more.

Realize one thing while reading the studies

ElectroHemp with the 5 stage treatment system and process speeds up the toxic removal.  This is accomplished by: Electro-KINETICS Year Round Toxic Removal by utilizing a Greenhouse, and additional dual harvesting options!

I mentioned its not rocket science to use plants to phytoremediate soil toxins.  Its actually pretty simple.  Plant a Seed!  Tend to the plant while it is growing by making sure water, nutrients, and sunlight is available for the plants.  Any Farmer, Landscape Pro, or Horticulturist can explain this process if additional information is needed.

What has stumped many industry pros is what drove Scotty to discover the disposal of the toxic plants in a eco friendly option that does not involve transferring the toxics to another location or the energy intense "fire burning" to clean the soil.

This next diagram is the Organic and Natural BioRad Hazardous Waste removal and the final step in the 5 stage treatment train.  This self contained insitu disposal system eliminates the hazards of transportation and storing the nuclear waste. 

The folllowing links were provided by Hemp Nayer who is also a Member, Leader, and Adviser of the Hemp Environmental Forum.  She gets it do you? 

1. Phytoremediation: Using Plants to Clean Soil
3. Hemp Remediation Study
5. Here's a piece I did in 2010 Hemp Phytoremediation Program Can Help With Gulf Oilspill Crisis - that has some phytoremediation videos on it
7. Here's a study guide (proposed structure for conference topics) for the Hemp For Victory book
9. Hemp and the Decontamination of Radioactive Soil -
11. This is a $35 report Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) growing on heavy metal contaminated soil: fibre quality and phytoremediation potential
12. Phytoremediation: An Environmentally Sound Technology for Pollution Prevention, Control and Redmediation - An Introductory Guide To Decision-Makers
13 The Use of Plants for the Removal of Toxic Metals from Contaminated Soil
14. Phytoremediation Potential of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.): Identification and Characterization of Heavy Metals Responsive Genes
17 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOREMEDIATION (list of their articles - networking)
20. Phytoextraction of Heavy Metals by Hemp during Anaerobic Sewage Sludge Management in the Non-Industrial Sites
Also here's a playlist on some phytoremediation videos on Youtube
The list of nuclear and hemp videos with a Fukushima focus is posted

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