Sunday, January 20, 2019

Guest Scotty, from St. Louis - Electro-Phytoremediation Process 8-22-2016

Updated information after phone conversation with person planning phytoremediation project to use hemp to phytoextract toxins from soil.

Is this the video you mentioned?  the video below explains why not everyone should be able to do this UNTIL the system is proven safe.
0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

   I am not afraid of exposing corruption and shortsightedness everywhere I find it.  

I'll be doing another radio interview this coming week sometime about the electrohemp system.

Lonnie Simpson is interviewer. She's anti nuke, understands plight of downwinders being exposed to contamination and all the health issues.

She mentioned the latest stuff I've pieced together that is wanted by Dept of Defense in re to uranium is dangerous for my safety. I'm not worried or scared and I'm going to share this to the world. (In addition to I have found a buyer in the health industry for the decontaminated material)

If you researched EPA suggestions you'd realize they have a goal of turning toxins into cash to offset remediation costs.  My end disposal options do this in 2 or more ways. Instead of the costly glass infusion you mentioned.

FYI: Paul with Fungi Perfecti informed me: mushrooms will decontaminate nuke rads, but mushrooms still need to be picked up and disposed of [or else the contamination will be reintroduced back into the environment].

Here's the info I shared with the World Wide Hemp group I'm a part of.

Lonnie also clued me in on the grant writer who won't consider the organic remediation disposal vs nuke ind suggestions.

It should be pretty interesting interview. She's hip to the nuke ind tactics / shortsighted activist etc.

Fyi: i am not going to mention your name or location but I am going to expose what I feel is shortsighted science because you won't or haven't researched a true solution on this issue.

I'll send more info when we hash out an interview time and where to view it.


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