Friday, June 24, 2016

Contain and Control BioRad 5 Stage Treatment Train

Contain and Control

Are major concerns when dealing with Nuclear Radiation.  

The following table demonstrates the safety avenues used in the BioRad 5 stage treatment train.

ElectroHemp Pilot Study Safety Solutions Table 1
The ElectroHemp Table 1 below demonstrates how ElectroHemp BioRad  5 Stage Treatment Train works as a system and process while addressing the safety and concerns.
Plant-based biological limitation
ElectroHemp System addresses these concerns

  1. Low plant tolerance
  2. Lack of contaminant
    translocation from root to
  3. Small size of remediating
  1. Use plants that tolerate toxins
  2. Containment central location is housed in greenhouse or hoophouse, Proper plant species selection and increased soil vitality increases translocation into the plant.
    1. If containment was concentrated in the root zone of the plant.  Removing the root systems in a field would require a “potato” type harvesting machine.  In a Greenhouse because of scale Elbow Grease and a Shovel will suffice. Disposal is same as fiber
  3. Many plant species are proven
Regulatory limitations
Phytoremediation & Electro-Horticulture is recognized solution by: EPA, FUSRAP, Governing Bodies, etc
  1. Lack of cost and performance data
  2. Regulators unfamiliarity with the technology
  3. Disposal of contaminated plant waste
  4. Risk of food chain contamination
  1. Agree Performance Data is lacking.  Disagree Cost has been determined $20,000.  Compared to other treatment systems.  Phytoremediation is the least expensive option.
  2. Agree as well as a great percentage of the Public
  3. Disposal of Contaminated waste is handled in-situ (on site) in sealed containers.
  4. Food chain contamination eliminated with project housed inside hoophouse or greenhouses
Other Limitations
Limitation Addressed
  1. Contaminant beneath root zone
  2. Lengthy process
  3. Contaminant in biologically unavailable form
  4. Lack of remediating plant species
  1. ElectroHemp directs the heavy metal toxins to a central point located in a Greenhouse, Hoophouse, Fenced in or protected area- where plants phyto-extract the toxins.
  2. Electro-Horticulture
    1. increases soil vitality and heavy metal movement- which allows plants to grow bigger, healthier, and cycle more toxins from the soil.
    2. By utilizing Indoor Grow operations increases growing opportunities: length of growing seasons and increases the use of plant species not suited to existing climates.  
    3. 3 plant cycle rotations per year minimum, with the possibilities of 3-6 forage harvest opportunities (dual cutting)
  3. bioavailability of heavy metals in soil can also be increased by adding chelating agents such as EDTA, ammonium sulfate, critic acid and elemental sulfur, mulch, and erosion control in addition to Electrokinetics.
  4. Hemp, Kenaf, Rape, Sunflowers, and  many other species and strains of plants will perform the needed phytoremediation techniques desired.  Note: Greenhouse/Hoophouse give additional options for greater adoption of plant species.

Ref: The Use of Plants for the Removal of Toxic Metals from Contaminated Soil

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