Wednesday, August 31, 2016

IKEAs lesser known environmental project

If only more business cared about the environment as much as IKEA does.

Most everyone has heard that the St Louis IKEA Store is powered by solar panels!  Here is a lesser known environmental project they have incorporated into the property along Forest Park and Vandeventer Streets.
The parking lot in of the St Louis IKEA store drains into a low $$$ cost natural phytoremediation filter system.

Article 1 Plants as Water Protectors blog series

The IKEA's Engineers and Crew that installed the water filtration Phytoremediation project did a seamless job of blending the bioremediation system into the natural environment.  If it wouldn't have been for my growing the Kenaf plants and seeing the unmistakable Kenaf Flowers- I may not have noticed. 

Ikea Store Flags and Kenaf Flowering Plants used modified Riparian Buffer StLouis
IKEA Store Flags and Kenaf Flowering Plants used modified Riparian Buffer StLouis 
Ikea Parking Lot drains away from the building into modified riparian buffers along Forest Park Parkway and Vandeventer
IKEA Parking Lot drains away from the building into modified riparian buffers along Forest Park Parkway and Vandeventer
Any contaminants that escape or drip from the Autos in the parking lot will eventually make their way into the modified riparian buffer zone that removes the toxins naturally
Any contaminants that escape or drip from the Autos in the parking lot will eventually make their way into the modified riparian buffer zone that removes the toxins naturally
The break in the concrete curb allows the water to enter the riparian buffer zone where the Plants naturally cycle the toxins from the water.
The break in the concrete curb allows the water to enter the riparian buffer zone where the Plants naturally cycle the toxins from the water.
Phytoremediation Plants are growing in a bed of Gravel and Rock allowing the roots of the plants direct contact with the toxins that will be removed by Phytoremediation.
Phytoremediation Plants are growing in a bed of Gravel and Rock allowing the roots of the plants direct contact with the toxins that will be removed by Phytoremediation.

 In ElectroHemps IKEAs next sustainable bioremediation post (publication date 9/1/16) I will explain with photos, diagrams, and CAD drawings how the water toxins are removed before entering the public water system.

Toxins and Contaminants are removed the Natural Way by using Plants in a process called Phytoremediation

Monday, August 22, 2016

The Age of Fission Lonnie Clark guest Scotty - Phytoremediation Pr...

Philanthropist Entrepreneur Startup Kills Radiation Organically
Lonnie Clark-The Age of Fission, interviewing Scotty and
the ElectroHemp BioRad process and system that removes 
heavy metal toxins organically. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Healthy Environments Require Citizen Scientists

The recent email from the is a perfect example of how everybody can and is making a difference in creating a healthy environment by actively partaking in Citizen Science activities.

Citizen Science Protects the Environment and is Encouraged

A couple of interesting points were made and really jumped out and encouraged me to share this message to everyone who is being negatively affected by the environmental warnings that happen in Nature.  

Simple fact: if it negatively affects the natural environment- it also negatively affects you and your health.
- "Organizations rely on so-called best available science for management decisions....the best Scientific Information does not necessarily come from peer-reviewed scientific publications"

The full article that appeared in the 

Citizen Science is Sound Science Provided by You

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Argonne scientist Cristina Negri talks about phytoremediation

EPA Scientist Ms Cristina Negri shares information about #‎Phytoremediation‬ which is using plants to cleanup mankind's pollution. Although this video is talking about Trees. There are other plants that can do the same thing that don't have to wait for a tree to grow-such as a fast growing ‪#‎IndustrialHemp‬.
One advantage a tree does have is the roots will go deeper than the roots of a Hemp plant that go 6 feet deep.
In a nutshell different plants cycle the toxins differently. I feel it is best to utilize a few types of plants to accomplish the cleanup activities needed. One of the discoveries the ‪#‎ElectroHemp‬ BioRad Phytotechnology advancements the Team ( David WechslerKimberly Kowalski, and myself) have discovered is that by growing plants in a Greenhouse will enable a wider variety of plant species to be grown "All Year Long" in addition to eliminating the chance of the toxic plant material from entering the food chain, being eaten by an animal, and inadvertent human contact.
The ElectioHemp BioRad Hazardouse Waste digesters and disposal system (see other posts) is how the plant material is disposed and turned into NON TOXIC plant matter that does not require long term storage of the hazardous materials.
If you have any questions or comments about the system and process let us know and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Using Trees to Clean Up Pollution Cristina Negri

Eye Opening Discussion on Phytoremediation- the stuff that was most appealing to me started at 31:00 and talks about phytoremediation of Heavy Metals and Nuclides: like the ones that are causing the cancer, respiratory issues, extra rare forms of cancer, lymphoma, etc for the Residents of St Louis Region.

  1. Presenter Instructs for Safety Keep It Out of the Food Chain [which is exactly the opposite that was done when Republic Services grew Soybeans on the landfill a few years ago and then took the soybeans to the local grain elevator]
  2. At 31:00 part of discussion about Phytoremediation and Radionuclides.
    1. 31:10 Radionuclides Stay where they are at, they don't degrade, you have to move them from one place to another.
    2. 31:30 yes it will get into the food chain, uses Chernobyl for an example.
    3. [talking about phytotechnologies and cleanup] She says: can’t get enough of it in one area to justify the expense. Bioaccumulation. Granted this is an older video from 2012 and many cleanup scenarios hopefully have changed and have acknowledged a few ways that Scientist have discovered to get the toxic radiation to bioaccumulate such as #Electrokinetics as used in the ElectroHemp BioRad Hazardous Waste Disposal Environmental Startup
    4. She talks about Grass will phytoremediate the radionuclides because it was in the Milk from the grass the cows ate [Chernobyl] [Many plant species have the ability to phytoremediate the heavy metals and toxins- Industrial Hemp is a favorite and mentioned frequently at the Hemp Environmental Forum as well as the Kyoto Hemp Forum].
  3. 36:36 Q: What was working at Chernobyl? Listen to what she says about the people and the desperation “ No hope- because they were not in control of their lives” “Unsettling feeling”.
  4. 38:33 Q: Future of phytoremediation.
  5. 39:00 "Invest money" "Keep Working" "No Recovery Is Made Without Funding"
  6. 39:36 Ground Source Pollution removal works for plants
  7. 39:54 Q: is it too much for large scale Fukushima radiation poisoning?
  8. 40:12 A: All Depends...may well be the only choice for certain areas- phytoremediation once again solution for widespread with the [eco] system, you can't be digging everything up...
  9. 40:54 Audience Questions start
  10. 41:36 Wolves, Birds supposedly healthy? 1, 2, 3: I have read counter to that. The healthy animals that are seen in the Inclusion Zone are new animals that migrated in. Existing Animals have genetic defects per videos I've seen that didn't come from government sources, like the one with the Moose's neck growing out sideways of its body as well as the mutilated birds. [Radiation causes mutations and alters genes in plants and animals]
  11. 42:39 Q: what to do with trees once they are cut down after phytoremediation? "Hyperaccumulation of toxins in the plants varies by the growing season. They don't expect the radiation to be in the tree and will mulch it onsite. With Heavy Metals contamination has to be measured before figuring out what to do with it. KEY: when utilizing plants there is less volume at the end. vs scoop, haul, and store. Its preferred that if storage is needed the smaller the mess the better.
  12. 44:10 Q: Rapid Reuse of Sites with Heavy Metal Contamination- some sites cleaned up by various techniques: water, vapor...get the easy stuff. A: Metals tuff issue they need a solution for metals ...discussion just to leave them alone but need to measure the risk: leave alone or remove...discussion then goes on and states minimization of the toxins (depending on end use of land). With lead keep it away from kids... double stated Heavy Metals are very hard to remove... [ the guy who questioned her said someone then built a children's playground next to the site. Isn't that the airport site in #StLouis... the lady just shrugs? image map]
  13. 45:59 Presentation Leader adds stuff on the first question: What are end goals in re to Mountain. Q: Primary objective- clean land, Secondary objective- beautification or Reuse. A: Eventual Reuse of land, with main objective to reduce Health Hazard to the people who might be exposed nearby- is the number 1 issue- Mentions: numerous studies to determine what is acceptable dose.
  14. Phytoremediation for Fracking- been studied and discussed
  15. Goes on to discuss removing coal ash by phytoremediation, hydrocarbons definately, problem with ash is the ph combinations that might not be compatible with plants.
  16. In re to chicago river phytoremediation: how to use the specific plants in combination and how to design the system- have to get others involved...Wastewater Treatment uses a natural process using microbes.
  17. 49:24 Q: Who are the teams/groups of people working on land remediation at Chernobyl. A: She then goes on to mention the needed team members for a multidisciplinary group: Agronomist, Environmentalist, Hydrogeologist- all work together to determine where to plant the trees. Risk Assessment Personal (Safety for personal), Air Modelers to determine what goes into the air and if it is an issue, and Money Managers.
  18. 52:17 Mentions work done by a Naval person who developed plants that act as a canary in the coal mine. These plants turn white when exposed to nasty compound (type unknown). When planted around a site they would potentially warn everyone that the toxins are present.
  19. 53:03 Q: where to get educated. Google Phytoremediation and go to EPA "Citizen's Guide to Phytoremediation" EPA is a strong proponent of this technique
  20. 54:48 Q: Contaminants when translocated into the plant what happens? A: Some gets released, some is broken down in the plant-degraded, some, when transpired, is killed by UV light. Q2: Are some contaminants released into the atmosphere and we do not want that? A: majority of chemicals that make it to the air get broken down by sunlight...when it is exposed to air is very minute concentrations in parts per billion if not parts per trillion range- very very tiny amounts that will get destroyed, they don't accumulate up,
  21. 56:24 Q1: Of the phytoremediation techniques that work has there be done a survey where it can be used at? A1: look at EPA gis data on brownfields, tools like decision trees will help figure out what is the best remedy for the land, Q2: Roundup because it kills weeds...A2: using roundup for no till farming has drawbacks and advantages

ElectroHemp BioRad Hazardous Waste Disposal turns toxins inert

ElectroHemp Phytoremediation Greenhouse Provides Year Round Phytoremediation

Update Sep 2, 2017 

Is this what happened to all the Milk they didn't use at Chernobyl? 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

MOhemp Energy Kyoto Hemp Forum Presentation Notes

MOhemp Energy Kyoto Hemp Forum Presentation Notes

MOhemp Energy Seeking Missouri Farmers to grow Hemp
MOhemp Energy Kyoto Presentation Notes

Hats off to the everyone who has been working behind the scenes at the 1st Annual Hemp Environmental Forum as well as the Sponsors and Presenters who have been sharing the groundbreaking discoveries, inventions, news, and advancements that the Hemp Industry is experiencing.
Many thanks Nayer and Takashi and the other great minds of the Kyoto Hemp Forum for welcoming and including the discoveries and inventions the MOhemp Energy Team has made.

The "ElectroHemp's" Teams goals: are to save lives and help our immediate community by improving 
the quality of life for those affected by the Nuclear Waste that is illegally buried at ‪#‎WestlakeLandfill‬  
and the ‪#‎ColdwaterCreek‬ areas of the Region.
 The team has figured out how to cycle the toxins from the 
ground faster than has been previously done with a 
Natural System. And then dispose of these toxins which are 
made inert ie: "non hazardous". This process is accomplished 
by using natural and organic resources.

 It’s truly an Honor and personally humbling to be given an opportunity to share and add our teams voice to the 1st Annual International Hemp Forum and how

Hemp is The Lifeline to the Future.

In these troubling times mankind is facing from the effects of Climate Change.  Believe it or not, there are many ways that the cannabis plant will be instrumental in negating the environmental destruction that is wreaking havoc on our Planet.  Hemp is one of the few plants that can be grown all around the world that addresses and nullifies so many problems that threaten mankind's continued existence on this planet.
Kyoto Hemp Forum Advertisement
Because of Hemp’s ability to
  • absorb the toxins in the soil and water by phytoremediation or
  • Hemp’s ability to cycle the CO2 emissions from the air we breathe or
  • all the sustainable products made from Hemp.  

Hemp will be a energy efficient income driver for local communities by
  • creating energy efficient building products
  • such as Hempcrete and
  • Hemp Fiber Insulation as well as a
  • sustainable Biomass Energy Provider champion.  

There is no better time than the present for the World to recognize that Hemp is the Lifeline to the Future.

However you are viewing the First Annual Hemp International Forum rest assured that all of the
"Hemp Industry Pros really do have solutions to correct the wrongs that mankind has brought on this world we live in.  

You have been given a front row seat and are witnessing the early stages of reviving an age old industry that will bring many future advancements to our World, I’m sure you too will realize it’s a no brainer that the great Cannabis plant should be grown and utilized everywhere.

Hemp is the Lifeline to the Future.  If you don’t believe me just keep watching and taking notes and you too will have the ah-hah moment.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

ElectroHemp Cost Comparison Table

Financial Cost Comparisons
Table 2 demonstrates how ElectroHemp compares in financial costs with existing technologies.  ElectroHemp is a cheaper option than existing capping technologies or scoop and haul.

ElectroHemp Cost Comparison Table 2
Table 2 demonstrates how ElectroHemp is a cheaper option than existing capping technologies, scoop and haul, does not factor in Hazmat Soil Expenses for ease of comparison
Cost / Sq Ft
4,800 sqft $ Costs
$4.17 / Sq Ft
Scoop Haul Only (SH)
$125.67- $156.27
$24,952 (177 cu yd)
Cap with Concrete 4 in
Cap with concrete 6 in
$5.87 per square foot (4 inch reinforced slab)(Range: $4.69 - $7.04)
$6.99 per square foot (6 inch reinforced slab)(Range: $5.63 - $8.34)
Dirt Removal Cost Calculator (Non Toxic Normal Dirt) 4,800sq ft x 12 in deep = 177.77 cu yards of dirt
177 cu yard dirt costs.png

ElectroHemp offers the Cheapest $$ Solution to eliminate the
toxic waste- not just digging it up for relocation to another area.

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ElectroHemp BioRad Hazardous Waste Cleanup Introduction ElectroHemp - BioRad CleanUp 5 Stage Phytoremediation Treatment Train - Remove...